Week 15 – POTCERT

Can I just say something??  My BRAIN the brain 7hurts from all that I have learned this week!!  I’m on BRAIN overload!!  So I started out by doing the reading which was wonderful.  I love the idea of having students use all of these Web 2.0 tools.  It will be so beneficial for them to experiment with them, just as we are.

This week’s lessons were very time consuming and very frustrating to me….  just needed to get that off my chest!  I think part of the problem is that my computer sucks and my interent connection sucks even more!!!! 

I decided to create a survey about the lesson I just taught to my second semester Spanish classes.  I am currently grading their tests and compositions right now, so I’m going to send them the survey once I have handed back these assessments.  I think they will be able to give me some honest feedback once they see how their assessments turned out.  Here is my survey:


Click here to take survey

Next, I explored the brain!!  I created a brain on a food unit I am teaching to my second semester Spanish class this week. 


I will use it to create my first prezi.  Here is my jing video about “La Comida:”



Here is my Prezi  presentation:



 I’m exhausted!!!  Goodbye 🙂

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2 Responses to Week 15 – POTCERT

  1. Jean Proppe says:

    Your post is wonderful Donna! Hang in there. It can be very frustrating when wireless or land-line speeds are not fast enough, or when computers are old. I think under the circumstances you did a great job. What I found through the process of this course was to try only the things I thought could truly enhance my particular disciple. But, it is very tempting to try everything. Find ways to save the good finds and come back to them later when you aren’t feeling under too much pressure. Keep up the great posts though! You are doing great!

  2. Melissa says:

    I agree – my brain hurts too! I’m 4 weeks behind and every time I feel like I have time to catch up, I get so bogged down in the material! Hang in there – you’re doing much better than I am!

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