Week 15 – Trying new toys

Google Form in Drive:

Since the embedding did not work at all (and trust me, I tried) here is the link to the Google form I made. I have made other forms, but I liked this assignment since it forced me to do one I always wanted to do: A course evaluation for my students to complete at the end of the semester. It needs work, but at least I am closer than before!


Prezi presentation:

For this week’s assignment I made this presentation in Prezi. I do not really like Prezi and I do not think I will use it in my classes. Buy it was a very good exercise, after a couple of hours 🙁 I was getting very good at it 🙂
What I liked in Prezi was the ability of getting the Google images online in seconds. What I didn’t like was that I could not find the way to delete frames at all 🙁   These presentations in general make me dizzy. Maybe one day I will make one that I really like 🙂

Sreencast Video of the week!


Jing Pictures



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2 Responses to “Week 15 – Trying new toys”

  1. Laura P. Says:

    I think it is great that although you didn’t like Prezi, you are still open to trying it and creating a presentation you like on it. I use Prezi in face-to-face classes and in online tutorials where I am not shifting from text to text quickly. I appreciate hearing your perspective because it keeps me thinking about how I can insure it works for everyone. Thanks for the post!

  2. Jean Proppe Says:

    I love your posts this week! I agree that Prezi is not for everyone and I often wonder about disabled students with visual impairments. How would they handle Prezi? Keep up the great posts.

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