I use YouTube videos in all of my classes but link to them, rather than downloading and storing within my CMS, so I hope I’m not running afoul of any issues. I also use current news stories, typically from the Wall Street Journal or the internet, but I do try to make it a habit to credit the source.
I make and post my own videos online using only my own material, to avoid risking any copyright infringements there. However, where I know I’m not in compliance is in making my videos closed captioned. I haven’t had any issues in my f2f classes but when I start teaching an online class next semester I plan to make them all CC to avoid any problems. I realize that even in my f2f class some students might benefit from closed captioning if they have language or other learning issues so I would like to have all my own videos CC’d already but there don’t seem to be enough hours in the day.
I checked out the Calif Community College Consortium for open books and found the books in my area were either very basic, in the case of accounting, or were several years out of date, which in the case of computer programs makes them of limited use. The cost of textbooks is always an issue with my students so I have allowed them to use an older print edition, when the information was comparable, and I would certainly support anything we can do to bring down the cost of books for our students.