Class Washing hands routine

“Healthy Washing Hands Steps”


1–  Wet hands thoroughly by holding them under the running water.

2.Apply soap to the hands,  liquid soap (1 tsp).

* If there is a line, please kindly  walk back of the line to scrub up your hands. If there is no line, make sure to close the faucet.

3. Make a lather by using  the 8 steps showed in our ” Washy ,Washy ,Clean  Video

4. Rinse the hands thoroughly.

5.Use paper towel to thoroughly dry the hands and arms.

6. If there is no other friend waiting to rinse hands, Encourage children to be the ones to close the faucet with the paper before discard it in the trash bin to prevent picking up microorganisms from the faucet handle.
Working together and modeling this Healthy Routine  will transform this into a Healthy Habit .

Washing Hands Routine


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