Week #17 December 08 – December 12 Planning Activities

Dear Parents here is our   ” Learning possibilities plans” for the week  #17

December   08    – December  12      in Room 5.

If you have questions, please ask us any time!

Learning possibilities Planning Sheet Week # 17


Week #16 December 01 – December 05 Planning Activities

Dear Parents here is our   ” Learning possibilities plans” for the week  #16

December   01    – December  05      in Room 5.

If you have questions, please ask us any time!

Learning possibilities Planning Sheet Week # 16



Outdoor Environment Planning Sheet



What Drama Education Can Teach Your Child


Theater addresses the skills which benefit children’s education and development in five general areas: physical development/kinesthetic skills, artistic development /drama and theater skills, mental development/thinking skills, personal development/intra-personal skills, and social development/interpersonal skills.”

Theater is not just for the outgoing. There are many ways for children to participate even if they’re afraid of the spotlight.

Taking risks in class and performing for an audience teach students to trust their
ideas and abilities. The confidence gained in drama applies to school, career, and life.
Making creative choices, thinking of new ideas, and interpreting familiar material in
new ways are essential to drama. Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”
Acting roles from different situations, time periods, and cultures promotes compassion and tolerance for others’ feelings and viewpoints.
♦Cooperation/Collaboration:Theater combines the creative ideas and abilities of its participants.This cooperative process includes discussing, negotiating, rehearsing, and performing.
Playing, practicing, and performing develop a sustained focus of mind, body, and
voice, which also helps in other school subjects and life.
♦Communication Skills:
Drama enhances verbal and nonverbal expression of ideas. It improves voice projection, articulation of words, fluency with language, and persuasive speech. Listening and
observation skills develop by playing drama games, being an audience, rehearsing, and performing

For more information and articles about benefits theater drama in preschool,please visit these websites

What Drama Education Can Teach Your Child By Kimberly Haynes



Family time Through the seasons

Family time Through the seasons


As a Class community we really want to give the opportunity to be inclusive with every family uniqueness about their traditions and holidays. Traditions and celebrations are important part of how children get to know what brings the whole family together.

What are the Expectations of the Family time Through the seasons pages:

1) Make it a fun, child driven activity. Talk about with your child and brainstorm what to paste, draw or pictures to place in. For example: If the child had the opportunity of choosing the apples for an apple pie and wants to paste on the page the stickers that the apples had on and take pictures of the ingredients used.

2) Please make note to write down the child’s true dictation of the story told in the page. Try not to rearrange the sentences to make more sense of it. Reading to the children true dictation of the story told by them, is a great way for children  to reinforce the literacy and language skills.

3)There’s is no wrong way to do it. Be creative, work as a team and  have fun with it.

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Week #15 November 24 – November 26 Planning Activities

Dear Parents here is our   ” Learning possibilities plans” for the week  #15

November  24   – November 26     in Room 5.

If you have questions, please ask us any time!

Learning possibilities Planning Sheet Week # 15



Outdoor Environment Planning Sheet



The importance of family time


Family time brings families closer

Spending time together as a family is important for building strong family ties, making lifelong memories and creating an environment that builds self-esteem and character in children. When asked, children say the number one thing they want most from their parents is time. Parents don’t have to spend a lot of money to spend quality time with their children; any time spent together sharing an activity is considered quality time. Here are five reasons family time rocks.


1Builds self-esteem in children

Children who spend time with their parents and family members  participating in activities together build a positive sense of self-worth. When children feel that they are valued by their parents and family members, they feel more positive about themselves. Family activities don’t have to be expensive or luxurious to be meaningful. Take a walk together, go for a bike ride or play a game of basketball in the driveway. The important part is just being together and enjoying each others company.

2Strengthens family bonds

Families who share everyday activities together as well as share vacations or daily excursions as a group form strong, emotional ties. A study published in the journal, “Family Relations”, found that families who enjoy group activities together share a stronger emotional bond as well as an ability to adapt well to situations as a family. Share your favorite hobbies, sports, books, movies or other favorite activities and build strong family ties for life.

3Develops positive behaviors

Children and adolescents who spend more time with their parents are less likely to experiment with substances abuse like cigarettes or alcohol.  According to a 2008 study by the University of Minnesota, adolescents who shared dinner with their family five or more times a week lowered their risk of substance abuse by 50 percent as compared to adolescents who shared family meals less than two times a week. Sharing time, whether through meals or activities, lowers the risk of unresolved family conflict which is usually a catalyst for adolescents experimenting with harmful substances.

4Creates happy memories

Family time creates warm memories for parents and children alike. Children with happy family memories are more likely to create a loving environment for their own children when they grow up. Learning to work and play as a family unit is one of the best lessons children can be taught so they can develop into competent adults and parents.


5Helps parents and children reconnect

Spending time together as a family helps busy parents reconnect with their children. Children tend to share more information about their lives while enjoying an activity with you rather than when you ask them “What did you do today?” It is also a time when life lessons, like sharing, fairness and compassion, can be reinforced without conflict. Children grow and change quickly, so family time is a wonderful time to get to know your child better.


For more information and articles about family time,please visit these websites

Week #14 November 17-November 21 Planning Activities

Dear Parents here is our   ” Learning possibilities plans” for the week  #14

November17 – November 21     in Room 5.

If you have questions, please ask us any time!

Learning possibilities Planning Sheet Week # 14


Outdoor Environment Planning Sheet


Classroom Environment Update Our Brand New Literacy Corner Area ” Reading Meadow”


Excellent reading habits begin in the early years. Introducing children to literature in preschool supports kindergarten readiness, promotes early literacy and supports a love of language and reading. A preschool library corner is a distinct area of the classroom with a variety of board books, picture books, early readers and comfortable seating. Create a preschool library corner in order to promote critical thinking skills and to enhance creative and social development.

Critical and Creative Thinking Skills

A reading corner helps to foster critical and creative thinking skills. Reading both fiction and nonfiction books to preschool children,asking questions that help children relate the story to their own lives is a great way to help them compare the book with familiar books. Encourage children to predict what might happen next. These activities also help children use words to express themselves and their preferences.


Social Development

Having a preschool reading corner provides a place for exposure to group reading activities. This helps preschoolers acquire social skills. Reading books in groups help children to learn how to pay attention in a large group setting. Group reading activities also help children learn to share and take turns with peers. Encourage children to share books and take turns reading stories to each other.

Kindergarten Readiness

A preschool reading corner supports school readiness by improving literacy and listening skills. When children enter kindergarten they should know concepts related to books such as how to hold and turn the pages of a book and that the pictures are related to the story. They should know some nursery rhymes which are found in preschool books. Preschoolers entering kindergarten should also have the ability to identify letters visually. Exposure to books in a preschool reading corner enhances these skills.


Week #13 November 10-November 14 Planning Activities

Dear Parents here is our   ” Learning possibilities plans” for the week  #13

November 10- November 14    in Room 5.

If you have questions, please ask us any time!

Learning possibilities Planning Sheet Week # 13


Outdoor Environment Planning Sheet



Week #12 November 03-November 07 Planning Activities

Dear Parents here is our   ” Learning possibilities plans” for the week  #12

November 03- November 07    in Room 5.

If you have questions, please ask us any time!

Learning possibilities Planning Sheet Week # 12


Outdoor Environment Planning Sheet

