Final Portfolio

Below are hyperlinks to all of my blog posts for the semester: Jack the Ripper’s Canonical Murders 19th Century Enclosure Movement  Congruity in Iron Age Art Queen Boudica’s Sack of Londinium Tudor Enclosure Movement Open-Field System and Nuclear Villages Whitechapel,…

Second Draft

Below is the second draft of my research paper (hopefully last!). A summary of changes is also included: -strengthen topic sentences in second half of paper -clarify Booth’s methodology -further discuss relationship between prostitution and temporary housing -reorganize thoughts on…

First Draft

Below is a first draft of my final research paper:   In the fall of 1888, five prostitutes were found brutally murdered—some disemboweled—in the East End of London. The discovery of each new murder throughout a three-month time period eventually…

Working Bibliography

Begg, Paul. Jack the Ripper: The Definitive History. Rev. pbk. ed., Harlow, Pearson Longman, 2004. Booth, Charles. Life and Labour of the People in London. London, Macmillan, 1902. Internet Archive, —. “Poverty Map.” Map. “Boundary of Old Nichol’s…

Working Outline II

Below is a second outline of my proposed research paper. After taking Professor Lane’s suggestions into consideration, I tried to consolidate the content of the paper into four main points. This draft reflects such, and also includes the support theses…

Working Outline

Below is a working outline for my final research paper. I have reviewed the past 4 months of research and tried to incorporate key terms and ideas into the outline to set the paper up for success. By investing a…

Arthur Morrison: Social Sensationalist?

Arthur Morrison: Social Sensationalist?

Arthur Morrison was an English writer who grew up in the East End of London in the mid 19th century. When he became a published author, he hid his working-class background but still took an interest in sharing the living…