Working Outline II

Below is a second outline of my proposed research paper. After taking Professor Lane’s suggestions into consideration, I tried to consolidate the content of the paper into four main points. This draft reflects such, and also includes the support theses of the paper.

  1.  Introduction
    1. Jack the Ripper murders
    2. Media sensationalism
    3. Subsequent Age of Reform
    4. George Bernard Shaw’s quote
    5. Thesis
      1. The Ripper murders served as an impetus for urban reform by attracting the first wave of progressive social workers to the East End of London.
        1. Argument: Irrespective of his cultural impact, Jack the Ripper made an indirect contribution to social welfare in Victorian London.
  2. The rapid urbanization of London in the mid-19th century was accompanied by a disproportionate growth of the working and lower classes; this disenfranchised group struggled to find both labor and basic needs security in the East End slums.
    1. Enclosure
      1. Tudor, parliamentary
    2. Settlement stratification
      1. Slums v. suburbs
        1. Literacy and education (early slum literature)
      2. Labor in Victorian Slums
        1. Rise of industry outside London proper
      3. Gender inequality
        1. Prostitution
          1. Settlement patterns for prostitutesàeasy targets for Ripper
  3. The urban conditions of Victorian London provided the perfect case study for aspiring social reformers who needed data and first-hand testimony.
    1. Charles Booth
      1. Maps!
    2. Beatrice Webb
      1. Work with prostitutes
    3. Life and Labor
  4. The sociologic studies published in the early 20th century were accompanied by a shift in the public perception of the working and lower classes living in the East End slums.
    1. Arthur Morrison (later slum literature)
    2. Clara Collet
      1. New philanthropy model
    3. London County Council
      1. Appropriating funds for slum clearance
  5. The aforementioned momentum was eventually manifested into actual slum reform, with the Old Nichol clearance project serving as the best example of the tangible change the shift in public perception initiated.
    1. Slum clearance
      1. Case Study: Old Nichol
  6. Conclusion