
My name is Annaise and I’m 21 years old. Just a couple of things about me: this is my fourth year in college and I am awaiting transfer acceptances for this upcoming fall semester; I’m taking 16 units this semester with two online classes and will be finishing my Associate’s Degree for Transfer in History this spring; my favorite color is blue; my favorite animal is the white tip shark; and I currently have a Hamilton: An American Musical addiction. Something interesting things that I’ve done in my life are attend a Youth Citizenship Seminar (YCS) at Pepperdine University and attended the American Historical Association conference in NYC.

I graduated from Carlsbad High School in 2013 then went on to major for two years in Politics at Humboldt State University, so I am very active politically and enjoy fun, factual, and respectful debates on a wide variety of subjects. So, let me know if you are interested! 🙂  After my time at HSU, I came back to MCC and became a history major.

I’m interested in taking an honors course because I want a more in-depth view of history and the subjects that I am studying.