Why I Study History

Ever since I was a child I’ve had a fascination with the past and the ongoing story of the human race. My interest extends beyond our reality and I often find myself researching heavily into the history of fictional universes, like the Tolkien universe for example. There’s something about all of history being apart of one long continuous story, that I’m also apart of, that makes it so absorbing to me.

One of the more interesting parts of history in my opinion, is how one can map the progression of human thought and intelligence throughout almost any aspect of our existence. Whether it be art, or science, or government, our species, slowly throughout hundreds of years, progressed in every field imaginable. What’s uplifting about that thought as well is that we’re still moving forward and progressing, if sometimes slowly and with some hiccups.

And that of course is where that old cliche comes in about “those who ignore history” being “doomed to repeat it.” While I hate to cite that in one of my introduction posts (I really do), I think it is and always will be completely true. History isn’t just a story about human progression, it’s a map that tells our race what has worked and what hasn’t, and the conditions and circumstances of which those things worked or didn’t.

I like to think that these two ideals are what lay the foundation for the specific areas of history I’m interested; that being Ancient Rome, African American history, Religious history, and WWII. I’m hoping to be able to incorporate at least two of those in my overall area of study. I hope this gives a good idea as to why I choose to study history!