Research Discovery – The Atlantic Conference

I have found about a dozen primary sources concerning the Atlantic Conference through the Avalon Project of Yale Law School. Besides including the actual Atlantic Charter, the Avalon Project also has telegrams and memoranda both preceding and following the announcement of the Atlantic Charter on August 14, 1941. One of the documents is the Resolution of September 24, 1941. This intergovernmental resolution is an affirmation of the Anglo-American Atlantic Charter by other Allied powers, such as the USSR, Norway, Poland, the Netherlands, and “General de Gaulle, leader of Free Frenchmen,” among others. Written by President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, the adoption of the principles laid out in the Atlantic Charter by 10 additional states illustrates influence that the U.S. and UK were able to exercise on the world stage. I am interested in learning more about how these states were successful in, or failed to uphold the objectives of the Charter. Here is the link to the Resolution:

(The Atlantic Conference: Resolution of September 24, 1941. Yale Law School. Lillian Goldman Law Library: 2008.)