Week 5: Primary vs. Secondary Sources & Organizing and Documenting Your Research

Hi All,

This last week has been a combination of additional introductions, posts on the study of history, and the introduction of topics. If you haven’t yet, respond to some of your colleagues’ posts and start a conversation.

Professor Bond and Lane’s classes: If you going to attend the Research Meeting, don’t forget that we are meeting Thursday, February 23rd at 10:30am in the Honors Lounge (rm 201A).

This week we will be looking at primary sources vs. secondary sources at the Borough of Manhattan Community College website. You will also explore ways in which you can organize and document your research using online tools like Zotero and Mendeley or by using note cards. Links can be found at the HHC Blog under “Schedule.”

Don’t forget to post twice this week and respond to your fellow HHC members’ posts.

  • One post should be on the reading/topic for this week. Questions to consider can be found on the schedule.
  • If you have not yet posted about your research topic do so. As with last week, share an article/website/source related to your topic. Be sure to cite the origin of the source.

Don’t hesitate to contact your professor with any questions.


Prof. Bond