How did the perspective highlights the difficulties of war in the American Revolution?

Hi, Professor Sleeper and fellow HIST113H classmates. I decided to choose the “Primary Source: Slave Petition for Freedom, 1777” for my primary source perspective analysis.

“Natural and Inalienable Right to Freedom”: Slaves’ Petition for Freedom to the Massachusetts Legislature in 1777 is a letter from a group of slaves petitioning the Honorable House of Representatives of Massachusetts for the right of freedom for all slaves. I think this letter may have had the several writers with the best language and grammar represent the desires of the larger group. During this time, literacy was self-taught, especially among those who were enslaved. While there are numerous errors in grammar and spelling in the letter, the passion and desire of the writers are clear and indisputable. The authors described the hypocrisy of enslavement on the same soil that saw bloodshed against Great Britain in the name of freedom, liberty, and equality for all men. The letter acknowledges many claims that were not fully accepted by the courts because of changes for enslaved people. This primary source had a clear agenda for the freedom of those enslaved, it displayed perseverance in persuading the courts to stop their hypocrisy, and it expressed that the present situation for the enslaved was less desirable than death.