Choosing a Topic

Picking a specific topic to study is something very difficult for me. I have always had such wide interests in history that I didn’t even know how to begin narrowing down a specific topic to study. I knew that whatever I ended up picking it had to be something that was important to me and that I truly had a passion for otherwise I would lose interest along the way. I started to think about the things in my life that were important to me and how I might incorporate them into a topic to study. What I came up with was medicine.

6 years ago, I became extremely ill and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia which is a chronic pain disorder. Since then medicine has come to play a huge part in my life and I want to know more about how we established common medical practices. While my topic is still broad I’m thinking, I would like to look at the divide between eastern and western medicine. I’ve learned from personal experience that both are equally important and I would like to know more about the history that has led to them being keep so separate from each other.