Secondary Source Research: The New Deal & National Socialism

Through my research and looking for articles that delved into the Great Depression and the subsequent New Deal, I found an article examining the policies and effects of the New Deal and National Socialism (Nazism) in the Great Depression Era….

Secondary Source Research: United States Depression & the New Deal

The economic depression in the US during the early 20th century, commonly called the Great Depression, caused a severe shift in the economic and social paradigm. Unemployment and homeless skyrocketed, thousands of banks and businesses closed, and the national GDP…

Death in the Civil War

Death and Dying in the Civil War The Civil War created an entirely new community of suffering. Over 620,000 men perished, roughly 2% of the population. Approximately one in four civil war soldiers never returned home. With that, virtually every…

Formulating a Thesis

As stated previously, I’ve decided on covering the idea of “ethics.” This topic is still very broad and I’ve been working to narrow it to a thesis that will both examine the development of ethics (as in the development of…