Research: Cognitive Dissonance or Power Maximization

In their article The Cultural Revolution Revisited: Dissonance Reduction or Power Maximization, Paul J. Hiniker discusses possible causes for the general chaos and violent struggle during the Chinese Cultural Revolution. As the article’s title implies, Hiniker compares two explanations for the…

My Topic: The Chinese Cultural Revolution

China, today one of the world’s most powerful industrialized nations, was a chaotic society in the mid-20th century. The leadership decisions of Mao Zedong and his associates allowed for millions of killings by anti-reactionary Red Guards. The Cultural Revolution was among…

Why Study History??

I have found it’s not useful or productive to look at history as the distant past. There are so many ways we can connect to history, as people, as citizens, as living beings who experience many of the same issues…


Hey, glad to be here! I’ve always been into history. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve loved going to museums and reading books, seeing ancient artifacts and learning about the past (exciting childhood, I know right) I’m excited to…