Journal Article: Victorian Opium Eating: Responses to Opiate Use in Nineteenth-Century England

I have been focusing my research on the use of opium in medicine. The journal article Victorian Opium Eating: Responses to Opiate Use in Nineteenth-Century England by Virginia Berridge discusses the evolution of opium use and the views towards it…

Research So Far

My research topic was originally pain management but as I have conducted my research I have begun focusing specifically on opium use. I have been looking at the evolution of opium use, how it went from being a widely used…

Primary Source: Opium Substitute

In my research this week I came across a newspaper article from December 1950. The article New Painkiller Praised by Army which was published in the New York Times talked about the new synthetic painkiller the army was using. The…

Choosing a Topic

Picking a specific topic to study is something very difficult for me. I have always had such wide interests in history that I didn’t even know how to begin narrowing down a specific topic to study. I knew that whatever…

Why I Study History

Growing up my friends hated studying history. They thought it was boring and dull, nothing more than memorizing dates and people. They didn’t see the value or purpose in learning about the past. I was the opposite I loved studying…

Writing Assignment 1

During the 17th and 18th centuries a better understanding of human anatomy and physiology led to improvements in medical treatment. In 1628 William Harvey published De Motu Cordis (William Harvey, De Motu Cordis, 1628, The book contained a detailed…


Hi all! First, I would like to apologize for the late introduction, I caught the cold that has been going around and have been super sick. My name is Tiffany and this is my second semester at MiraCosta. I am…