Working Bibliography

Calkin, Siobhain Bly. “Marking religion on the body: Saracens, categorization, and The King of Tars.” The Journal of English and Germanic Philology 104.2 (2005): 219+. World History in Context. Web. 3 Oct. 2016. This article is a dissection of…

Christianity, Islam and Judaism

Clothing was used as not only a way to display ones’ membership to a certain group but it was also a way for Muslims and Jews to differentiate themselves from Christians. The idea of integration and miscegenation was such a…

Costuming and kinship

Societies that are dominated by the importance of kinship, costume becomes one way to express and display that membership. Societies have long used costume to distinguish themselves from other tribes and the Ancient Egyptians are no exception. Each piece of…

Ancient Greece-Exploring the Progression of Fashion Differentiation Between Genders

Women in many ways have always been thought to be a driving force in textiles, clothing and what would later become fashion. Even in the Paleolithic and Neolithic eras the changing of fibers to textiles, and textiles to clothing was…

The onset of Abrahamic religions marks the beginning of female subjugation

In societies who worship Goddesses, fashion tends to be very similar between genders, however, when patriarchal monotheistic religions take hold, along with this shift in religion we also see a shift in fashion particularly pertaining to women. Ancient Egyptians were…

Modesty in Byzantium

Modesty in Byzantium

Artist and Art Historian: Nazanin Hedayat Munroe Original Artist: unknown Title:  Empress Theodora and Her Court Date: ca. 547 A.D. Source: Comment: This is a mosaic which can be found in the Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna in…

Ebb and Flow of Fashion and Religion

Ebb and Flow of Fashion and Religion

Artist: Unknown Title: Marble statue of a woman, suspected to be Themis Date: 2nd half of the 4th Century BC, Late Classical Link: Comment: With the onset of concepts like epicureanism and individualism we see a “release” or freeing…