Not to late to apply to OMNI!

It is not too late to submit your research proposal for either an oral or poster presentation for the Spring OMNI taking place on the San Elijo campus on May 19. Why not join share your growing historical knowledge with…

Research: Cognitive Dissonance or Power Maximization

In their article The Cultural Revolution Revisited: Dissonance Reduction or Power Maximization, Paul J. HinikerĀ discusses possible causes for the general chaos and violent struggle during the Chinese Cultural Revolution. As the article’s title implies, Hiniker compares two explanations for the…

Research Proposal Introduction

How is it that through the annals of modern western history classical objects find themselves on the front of modern dialogues deciding issues of policy, politics, and moral governance? It seems there is a common theme throughout the many great…

Research: Classics and Colonialism

In the introduction of Classics and Colonialism, a collection of essays on the Classical Tradition within British-Imperial and colonial politics, Barbara Goff defines the necessary terms for understanding the discourse of “postcolonial” analysis. To better understand what is meant by…

Death in the Civil War

Death and Dying in the Civil War The Civil War created an entirely new community of suffering. Over 620,000 men perished, roughly 2% of the population. Approximately one in four civil war soldiers never returned home. With that, virtually every…

Week 7: Process and Product

Hello and welcome to Week 7 of History Honors. As always, you will be asked to post twice, or once covering two topics. The first relies onĀ  Formulating a Thesis. Take a look, and let us know the process you’re…

Secondary Source: “The Nuremberg Principles” from Vietnam War and International Law

My first article discussed the precepts of international law based on the rulings at the Nuremberg Trials. It supported my research because despite being a relatively general secondary source, it was difficult to read and I felt like it was…