Week 5: Primary vs. Secondary Sources & Organizing and Documenting Your Research

Hi All, This last week has been a combination of additional introductions, posts on the study of history, and the introduction of topics. If you haven’t yet, respond to some of your colleagues’ posts and start a conversation. Professor Bond…

Choosing a Topic

I have chosen my topic for the upcoming semester and have discussed it at length with my advisor. I am so excited to begin researching the My Lai Massacre–particularly from a legal perspective as it complements my political science major…

Choosing A Topic

Firstly, I would like to say that I have taken some license with these weeks posting assignment. Since the the two required blog posts are so interconnected in terms of theme, I chose to combine the two entries into one…

What do you find interesting about the study of history?

At 21, I read Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics. I was instantly mesmerized by the prospect of autonomy and the development of a free-will. I had lived for much of my life unaware to the prospects offered through the study of history….

Study of History & My Changing Interests

Hi All, I wanted to share with you a list of reasons why the study of history is important. It is not a long list and I know you all could add to it. Here we go: The study of…

Week 4: Choosing a Topic

Hi everyone! We have some wonderful introductions going! Please go back and respond to your colleagues so we can get to know each other. 🙂 If you haven’t edited your Profile so that you are receiving emails and have an…

Why I study History

For as long as I can remember History has been my favorite subject. In high school, I could always be found in the back of the class reading  the years History textbook from front to back, which often got me…