It is not too late to submit your research proposal for either an oral or poster presentation for the Spring OMNI taking place on the San Elijo campus on May 19. Why not join share your growing historical knowledge with…

My general topic of study has been the history of studying ethics, so the concepts and ideologies of ethics that have arisen in modern western civilization, as well as the philosophers behind these concepts. I’ve studied through the various schools…

My research topic was originally pain management but as I have conducted my research I have begun focusing specifically on opium use. I have been looking at the evolution of opium use, how it went from being a widely used…

Utilitarianism and the Concept of Authorial Autonomy in Early 19th Century England is a journal article for “Economic & Political Weekly” by Malini Bhattacharya. The article attempts to show that  “authorial autonomy,” or literary freedom, similar to Utilitarian logic, developed in…

To get a better sense of India at the time of modern European colonialism, I purchased India Conquered by Jon Wilson. So far, Wilson has described India, predating the 1600’s, as a region of multiple sovereignties divided by geographic location and social…

American Manifest Destiny in Prisoner of War Camps During the Korean War The Korean War was an ideological conflict between communism and capitalism. Throughout the course of the war, approximately 4 million casualties were reported from the 20 countries that…

In their article The Cultural Revolution Revisited: Dissonance Reduction or Power Maximization, Paul J. Hiniker discusses possible causes for the general chaos and violent struggle during the Chinese Cultural Revolution. As the article’s title implies, Hiniker compares two explanations for the…