In my research this week I came across a newspaper article from December 1950. The article New Painkiller Praised by Army which was published in the New York Times talked about the new synthetic painkiller the army was using. The…

Howdy! Now that we all have had our library orientation and a topic to study, it is time to start reading your sources.   Part of being a historian is reading, but not the leisurely reading of J.K Rowling’s magisterial…

China, today one of the world’s most powerful industrialized nations, was a chaotic society in the mid-20th century. The leadership decisions of Mao Zedong and his associates allowed for millions of killings by anti-reactionary Red Guards. The Cultural Revolution was among…

As I stated previously,  I will be studying the history of intellectuals and ideas in the time of modern Western Civilization. Narrowing my scope, I have decided to look into the concept of “ethics” and its history throughout this time…

Picking a specific topic to study is something very difficult for me. I have always had such wide interests in history that I didn’t even know how to begin narrowing down a specific topic to study. I knew that whatever…

The 18th century saw one of the most important revolutions in modern Western Civilization, largely in part due to the published works of economists and philosophers. Thomas Mun’s England’s Treasure by Foreign Trade( (Links to an external site.)) was published in 1664, only several years…

Growing up my friends hated studying history. They thought it was boring and dull, nothing more than memorizing dates and people. They didn’t see the value or purpose in learning about the past. I was the opposite I loved studying…