I was interested in studying the Korean War and how U.S. Policy (the Acheson line declaration) affected the war, because I was born and raised in South Korea until the age of 14. Even though I then moved around to…

Hey guys, for my research paper i’m planning on analyzing the war in Iraq. Mainly analyzing all of the major events taking place during the war, who was involved and what effects it had on the surrounding countries. My focus…

I have chosen my topic for the upcoming semester and have discussed it at length with my advisor. I am so excited to begin researching the My Lai Massacre–particularly from a legal perspective as it complements my political science major…

Firstly, I would like to say that I have taken some license with these weeks posting assignment. Since the the two required blog posts are so interconnected in terms of theme, I chose to combine the two entries into one…

At 21, I read Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics. I was instantly mesmerized by the prospect of autonomy and the development of a free-will. I had lived for much of my life unaware to the prospects offered through the study of history….

Salve, mi amici! My name is Bryce and I am a third year student at MiraCosta College. I squandered much of my time when I was younger and now hope to make the most of what I have available; hence…

During the 17th and 18th centuries a better understanding of human anatomy and physiology led to improvements in medical treatment. In 1628 William Harvey published De Motu Cordis (William Harvey, De Motu Cordis, 1628, http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/H/Harvey_William.html). The book contained a detailed…