Tag Archives: outdoors

Room 1 Updates: Shutterfly, Room Parties, Lines Project, New Plans, Birdseed!

Dear Families:

We hope that you had a great week and that you enjoy the weekend.

SHUTTERFLY: Shutterfly has been updated!  There are some new photos for you here: https://room1mcccdc.shutterfly.com/

CHEESE PIZZA/FRUIT SALAD ROOM PARTIES: Our room would like to have room parties during the week of Thanksgiving.  We are open Monday through Wednesday that week (closed Thursday and Friday, 11/27-11/28).  Here are the details about the parties:

Time: 11:00 – 11:30 a.m.

Dates: Tuesday, 11/25, and Wednesday, 11/26

Where: Room 1

What: Pizza and fruit salad parties

Please look for a donation list near the sign in book for the room parties!  We think that it will make our week fun to have little gatherings before the long weekend.

ROOM UPDATES: We have a new planning sheet to share with all of you here: https://wordpress.miracosta.edu/laurap/files/2014/11/Indoor-planning-November-17.pdf

LINES PROJECT: Our classroom has begun a project about lines.  We made an anticipatory web, which is in the hallway with our new documentation.  The art studio has been great.  The lines children have been making with crayons and watercolors are so neat to see.  We decided at our room planning meeting today that our next step would be to focus on the “lines and our bodies” section of the web.  The children in Room 1 have shown an interest in their bodies during songs and routine parts of the day.  We want to start this part of the investigation by tracing the children’s hands and then inviting them to look at all of the lines on their hands.  We can’t wait to see what they discover!

BIRDSEED DONATIONS: The birds have found our bird feeder outside!  We are in need of birdseed.  Some large hardware and general retail stores sell birdseed in large bags.  Pet stores are often more expensive, but we will take any birdseed!

– The Teachers of Room 1 –

BCC: Families of Room 1, Teachers of Room 1, Supervising Staff of the CDC

Room Plans – September 22

Hi, everyone:

Our classroom planning sheet, which begins on September 22, is below:

Indoor planning September 22

We are excited to see what the children may do with our new materials.

– The Teachers of Room 1 –

Environment Plans!

On Friday, the teachers met to discuss the plans for our classroom environment and group gatherings.  We came up with the following ideas (in our planning documents below).

We are still looking for inexpensive binoculars for the classroom.  The children still have a strong interest in birds!  We sang Aloutette (a French song about a bird) with the children last week as Ms. Laura played it on her flute.  The flute has been a fun addition to the classroom.  If you have a musical talent you would like to share with the children, we would love to have you join us at the end of our day to play an instrument!

Here are our planning documents.  Have a great week!

Indoor planning September 8

Outdoor Planning – September 8