Workshop from April 2009 with Kristi Reyes and Eli Clarke (52 minutes). Workshop description: Web 2.0, also known as the “read/write web,” is a way to make your online classes come alive with multimedia and opportunities for collaborating, commenting, and sharing. Take project-based learning into the 21st Century using Web 2.0 tools: give students engaging opportunities to interact with the instructor and their classmates, express themselves creatively, and publish to a world-wide audience – all online and for free. Blogs, podcasts, and wikis will be discussed, but if you are already familiar with these tools, come to learn about sites for making multimedia scrapbook pages, slideshows, interactive timelines, and other mash-ups. Come with images, audio and video files, PowerPoint slides, if you like. No need for flashdrives! Everything is saved online and is fully embeddable on the LMS (Blackboard, Moodle, etc.) you use.
Web 2.0 for Teaching and Student Projects from Program for Online Teaching on Vimeo.