30 minute Rolls


We baked 30 minute bread with the children today using flour, yeast, oil, sugar, eggs and salt. First we mixed the oil, yeast and sugar together and allowed the yeast to “grow” for 15 minutes. After that, we combined egg, flour, salt, and water to the yeast mixture. Given that this is the second time we baked with the children, they have developed a deeper understanding of the process. Children remembered words such as sticky, gooey, and gluey from the last time and used them to describe the dough. As we walked to the kitchen to put the dough in the oven, some children said it was “hot” and it was important to “stay back” as we opened the oven door.

We revisit activities throughout the year help children to gain deeper understanding of the concepts that were introduced before. Children have the opportunity to practice skills and build on their existing knowledge.

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