Week 13: Introduction

Hi All –I thought that I would re-post my introduction video from Week 1 here:



The Fall semester of the POT program was a wonderful learning experience. No only did I learn about putting together an online course, but I created my first blog and interacted with colleagues to share ideas. I have to admit that I wasn’t the best student as I got behind in my posts, but the class has given me much to think about when designing a meaningful online learning experience for my students. I also explored many Blackboard and Web 2.0 tools to possibly use in my online classes. Not only are there great resources on the web, but we have another great resource as well — each other!

As I look at the different topics we will be addressing this semester there is lots to look forward to. I’ve learned that I’m going to be teaching an online course for the first time next Fall and our weekly interaction will really help in my course design. The course is going to be on Blackboard. I also have to take a certification class at the college in order to teach the class, so I’ll let you know my experiences from that and share any interesting resources that I come across. I’ll try my best to keep up with the posts and responses.

Jim, thanks for sharing the links to the Hybrid Pedagogy Journal and the Pedagogy Repository. I read an article in the Hybrid Pedagogy Journal on constructionism by Jonan Donaldson.  The author states that it is time to explore constructionism again as it “…brings creativity, tinkering, exploring, building, and presentation to the forefront of the learning process.” Well worth the read and the diagram on “Authorship Leaning” toward the end of the article is well worth looking over.