Response: George Bernard Shaw

Alright, so I’ve taken a relatively long detour but I hope my past research regarding the relationship between enclosure and urbanization establishes some common ground for thinking about the state of the East End slums. As I prepare to move…

In societies who worship Goddesses, fashion tends to be very similar between genders, however, when patriarchal monotheistic religions take hold, along with this shift in religion we also see a shift in fashion particularly pertaining to women. Ancient Egyptians were…

Whitechapel, London

In the past few weeks, I have tracked the development of English land policy from the time of the Anglo-Saxons to the 19th century. Now that I’ve spent some time investigating agricultural planning before parliamentary enclosure, I’m going to resume…

Modesty in Byzantium

Artist and Art Historian: Nazanin Hedayat Munroe Original Artist: unknown Title:  Empress Theodora and Her Court Date: ca. 547 A.D. Source: Comment: This is a mosaic which can be found in the Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna in…

Open-Field System and Nuclear Villages

My last several blog posts have dealt with enclosure, so I wanted to continue my research into English land policy. This week, I investigated beyond the Tudor dynasty and hope to synthesize information about medieval land planning. My research leads…

Tudor Enclosure Movement

After last week’s blog post on enclosure, I felt the need to go back further in time to understand the importance of enclosure in English land policy. I previously mentioned that enclosure first became prevalent during the Tudor dynasty, but…

As we move into using more secondary as well as primary sources, I want to help out a bit with finding good secondary sources. When historians use the term “scholarly article”, they usually mean something published in a peer-reviewed journal….