Monthly Archives: March 2013

Week 18

For Week 18, I decided to do a Prezi Presentation. Here’s a link: CMS/LMS

Week 17

So, here I am trying Eyejot again since I had such a time with it last time.


Week 16

I found the readings to be informative. I am reassured and comforted in knowing that not all YOUNG college students are tech wizards and that they do know how to differentiate between personal, entertaining stuffs and professional, educational matters. Of course, this just means that I must be one step ahead of my students and anticipate their needs and queries. So, here are the FAQ’s.

1. Am I a candidate for online courses? Test yourself and see.

2. Do I have the tools to be an online student? Check here.

3. How do I familiarize myself with the platform? Click here.

4. What if I want to know more about my instructor? See here.

5. How do I contact my instructor? Email me at: