Week 7: Building an Online Classroom

I have taught a hybrid class in the past, and I don’t know what to expect once I get an opportunity to teach a full-online class in the future. I do feel comfortable in the classroom because I have been teaching for a few years. I’m pretty sure I’ll find new challenges. The textbook mentioned that teaching an online class is based on trial and error, and I find that to be true. I say that because of my own experience teaching on campus classes. I find myself critiquing all my activities and trying to find a way to make them better. I am sure it will be similar to teaching an online course; it is scary but at the same time exciting.

Jinnefer Humber’s video summed it all up: Who, What, Where, When and How? The five questions can act as a check list for an online class.  For me, it has been very helpful. It will determine who my students are, what goals and objectives must be met, where they can access the course material, when they can access and submit it and how they will access it.

Finally, I have been visiting different (free) sites in order to get acquainted with other tools that might be useful once I begin teaching on online class. I have signed up for Twitter and began to follow a few interesting people, created my avatar and began creating a video presentation for my Spanish 101 class.

I had a blast creating my avatar. He and I even look identical–maybe not so much. Press play to hear him talk. Here he is:


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