Week 13: Creating Class Elements Part 1: Images and screenshots

  • I read the entire book before the Winter 2012 break: Ko & Rossen.
  • I took a screenshot from my MacBookAir: here it is below above the Flickr logo

Mac screen shot


  • I created a new account on Flickr.
  • I added a picture with annotation:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/92891392@N06/
  • Unfortunately, I was not able to use Mbedr to embed my image with its annotation in my blog post using WordPress.com so I just linked the image (link above).

7 thoughts on “Week 13: Creating Class Elements Part 1: Images and screenshots

  1. Danièle Arnaud

    Dear Donna,

    Thank you so much for your very nice comment, Donna!

    I used a picture for the screen shot from the artist I work with, Lee Peterson. Taken in Cayucos, CA where he has a house. He is a lucky man: a house in Cayucos, a house in Lake Tahoe, in Rancho Santa Fe, in Del Mar and other things not quite common to the mortals we are…..

  2. Danièle Arnaud

    Dear Jim,

    Apologies for the big delay in answering you back. Just busy this semester with multitasks right and left.

    In regards to week 13 if you refers to this, yes, of course, I can use embedded images and screen shots. I never did before but I might in the near future.

    As a matter of fact, a student of mine recently used a screen shot in relation to his homework online. It was very useful instead of looking for the problem area without knowing the specifics, at first. If I can see it directly on the screen, it saves me time and I know what I am dealing with. I still have to go back to the Website to make the change, nonetheless.

    For Flickr, I never used it before but I like the fact that I can annotate the caption. Not rely big news to me but I could see a good usage for my class. This is an experiment I have to try within my class. I usually use Clip art from Microsoft several times/week because it is so easy and versatile for quick additions in Blackboard in my case.

    I have the feeling that I only partly answered your question, though…?!

  3. Danièle Arnaud

    Bonjour, Laura,

    I went back to Flickr and added a comment for the picture you saw: is this what you meant?

    Merci again for your help!


  4. Danièle Arnaud

    Bonjour, Laura,

    I can see the annotation: Laguna Beach, CA park by the sea, 2012. Unless I am wrong? I inserted the link above the Flickr logo. Let me know if I have to change something. Maybe, I am wrong…

    Merci, Laura, and I am glad you let me know.


  5. Laura P.

    Hi, Danielle: I was able to see your Flickr photo, but I couldn’t find the annotations. I may just be missing it. Which link was it that had the annotated version?

    We were just talking about Flickr in our First Friday Face-to-Face workshop this past week. It’s a great place for searching for images, too. With an advanced search, it is possible to search for only those images that have a Creative Commons license.

    Welcome back to the new semester! It was fun reading your post.

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