Daily Archives: September 14, 2012

Happy Medium

Perusing over the Beginner’s Questionnaire and the POT Getting Started Chart, I realize that I am not a “control freak” or that I necessarily have to be in control of my class all the time. I do enjoy the discussions and debates, allowing my students to create materials and knowledge for themselves.  I like having the option to be both “on the ground” or online. When it comes to using technology in my classroom,  my experience with teaching a course that allows me to divide my teaching time between lecture and lab has made me very accepting of implementing new elements in my teaching. From the POT Chart, I can see that I will probably want to stick with BlackBoard for now, but I am excited about including recordings and videos to the course. Overall, I don’t think I am any different from other instructors out there. Our priorities are the students and our teaching, not technology. In the end, I am going to be reasonable and learn what my options are in the online teaching world; then, implement only those that will enrich the course.