Week 2 Update

Hello Everyone:

Hope you are having a wonderful long weekend. We spent last week focusing on classroom health and safety rules. We talked about what germs are and how we can wash our hands to prevent the spread of germs. We learned a new song to help everyone remember to scrub areas of the hands and for at least 20 seconds. Here is a link to a video so you can learn the song at home with your child: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdydIP5-9A8b

Besides discussing safely rules and hand washing, we have worked on clearing the garden last week while we were outside. We will soon have worms to help us make compost for the garden. If you have a green thumb and would like to help us with gardening, please let one of the teachers know. Thank you! In addition, we will start our classroom calendar this week. Each child will have a chance to draw a picture and talk about what he/she did for the day. This child-made calendar will help children become aware of the days of the week, number sequence, and memory recall. You can extend this activity by making or printing a calendar at home for your child and mark special days/events together.

Lastly, we would like to thank everyone for arriving to school and picking up on time. In order for children to have uninterrupted time to engage deeply in exploration, please help us remind the children that they need to stay on the tile area of the classroom during the first and last 15 minutes of the day (drop off and pick up). This way, we do not have to ask the children to stop their play when we gather for morning group. We will have activities ready for the children to explore at the tables to help the children stay engaged. Thank you.

Environment Planning -9.2.14

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