POTcert 2013

On August 31, 2013, in POT Certificate 2013-2014, by Laura Paciorek

My name is Laura Paciorek and this is where I will be blogging this year.  I have several categories off to the side of my blog.  I will house POTcert 2013-2014 related posts in that category, but I also sometimes blog about online teaching in general.  I may also post WordPress tips from time to time.

I will likely not be blogging weekly, since I am a facilitator for the certificate program.  However, I am your resource for MiraCosta College’s WordPress blogs.  If you have any questions or run into any difficulties with your MCC WordPress blog, please let me know.  I am happy to assist and knowing the issues helps me better help others.

I can’t wait to see what you all post this year.  It’s great meeting you all and here’s to a great POTcert 2013-2014 program!

Laura Paciorek

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Question on Embedding

On February 24, 2013, in Wordpress Tips, by Laura Paciorek

Yesterday I received a question from someone about how to embed a YouTube video (and other things) into a MiraCosta College WordPress blog post. I responded to this individual and my instructions helped, so I thought I would also post the instructions here for all of you. To help illustrate what I did, I will insert an image of the HTML code. I captured the HTML embed code from the YouTube video and then inserted it into the post while in the “Text” mode for “Add Post.” Here is what the code looked like:

Screenshot of WordPress post html code including embed code for a YouTube video.

My hope is that seeing the embed code here is helpful. This is the text version of the code in the above image:

…videos impact students.  <br><br><iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/DqUW02hUAoM” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe><br>CDWebTeach…

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Week 5 – The Syllabus

On October 1, 2012, in POT Certificate 2012, by Laura Paciorek

I cannot wait to see what everyone posts in week 5 about the syllabus.  As I have mentioned before, I am not in the certificate class anymore, but it is great following along.  This week I wanted to share a video that I have seen a few times in a few different contexts.  There are some tips in this video that could be helpful when creating a syllabus, in my opinion.  There are also a lot of things that do not relate to a syllabus, but may be fun to consider.  I hope you enjoy it if you get a chance to watch it.

Reference: SeattleCenterSCCC (2011, October 12). Universal design [Video file]. Retrieved from http://youtu.be/4FE1CLS7i3k

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After reading Melissa Conrey’s post this week, I was inspired to think a little bit about my own online course design and how it impacts interaction.  I am not taking the certificate class right now, but I am excited that following along gets me thinking about my own work.  I am trying something new in my discussion board in my current online class, thanks to a suggestion made by Jim Julius at a POT First Friday face-to-face workshop early this month.  I am enjoying the results.  This past week, which is still wrapping up, I had students sign up to be an early childhood education philosopher from a certain time period in history.  Then, they were to introduce themselves as the philosopher and tell others about their philosophy.  For the replies, they were prompted to stay in character.

This has been going so well that I am doing the same thing again next week.  It just so happens that this coming week we are looking at child development theorists, rather than early childhood education philosophers, so this role-play exercise will still work quite well.  I am also thinking about how I could still have them take on roles for other topics and have a few ideas.

I wanted to mention this here because I think it is a simple shift that relates to course design.  If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions, it would be great to see what you all think about this.  Have you tried something similar?  Do you have suggestions?  Do you think students might be more likely to share strong opinions when they can do it as a character and not themselves?  Is writing from the perspective of a character more challenging and could that turn people off from posting?

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As People Set Up Their Blogs – “Tags” Tutorial

On September 12, 2012, in Wordpress Tips, by Laura Paciorek

Hi, everyone:

As people are setting up their blogs, I thought I would post another tutorial that may be helpful for some of you. It has been great reading all of your posts!

Reference: CDWebTeach (2012, September 9). Tags in WordPress [Video file]. Retrieved from http://youtu.be/v5r2yeGJFaA

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Setting up a Blog – Categories

On September 7, 2012, in Wordpress Tips, by Laura Paciorek

Categories can be a great way to help organize your blog posts so that others can find your posts quickly.  I worked on this over the summer at my MiraCosta College WordPress blog.  After categorizing posts, add the “Categories” widget to your menu so others can browse your posts.

Here is a short, closed-captioned tutorial about how I do this:

Reference: CDWebTeach (2012, September 5). Categories in WordPress [Video file]. Retrieved from http://youtu.be/Ox33CabnK8c

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I can’t wait to get started with the next certificate class for 2012-2013! I was in the first cohort for the certificate program and have been involved with the program ever since. I find that this is a topic where things keep changing and I can always learn more.

This is likely where I will be posting my thoughts for the certificate class, in particular. I cannot wait to follow the certificate class participants’ blogs in Pedagogy First!

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