Honors Week 5

Hi Honors Contract students!

By now all of you should have posted in the blog: your introduction (from two weeks ago), and your response to The Victorians 1-3 (due yesterday). You should also have replied to others, and be working on finishing Frankenstein. No one seems to be caught up at this point, which worries me greatly!
Because we are behind, I have revised the syllabus to include fewer items for last week so everyone can catch up now. We won’t bother with Hypothes.is now, and we may not be able to work with Pinterest, or will postpone it till later. I have added the deadlines in red so they will be more noticeable. (Note that I am not able to add Honors work to the Canvas calendar – you must keep track of the assignments using the syllabus on the blog). We had some blog problems, but at this point everyone can access the blog. Getting behind in Honors is a very poor idea!
This week we also need to start reading eitherĀ Wells’ The Invisible Man (History 105) or Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Beneath the Sea (History 106).
I am adding an “assignment” to your parent course in Canvas called “Honors Grade” – you can see there your current grade in the class and any notes. The grade for the parent course does NOT reflect Honors, and therefore is not your current grade in the class.