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Week 6 Post: HTML, and other WWW tools

13 October 2013

This blog entry will be short. I am lucky to have taken a few CS courses during my undergraduate years. There was a time when HTML and DreamWeaver, and other internet languages and tools were fun to me. Now, Capturethe Web brings new things every day and I feel like I have a hard time keeping up with the pace of technology. I am glad that we still have the basic HTML language to hold on to.

In Blackboard, embedding a video is really not as easy as it seems. I listened to Pilar Hernandez’ advice and tried to add a table and then put an image in the right column and the text in the left column. Unfortunately, the image fell below the text and the table became unmanageable. I then resorted back to just telling Blackbord to insert the image on the top right of the page and that seemed to take care of the problem.

The advantage of HTML, if you are familiar with it, is that you can always see the code behind a written text online and you can tweak the HTML code to make small adjustments. Sometimes, Word Processor programs like those in WordPress and Blackboard are not programmed well enough to be more user-friendly than just simple code. That’s when HTML can come in handy.

I have chosen to embed a video for children. I use this video in my class to teach professions to my students of the French language. You don’t really need to know French to get what they are talking about. I hope that you will enjoy it.

I have also included an image of my test score. I did better this year than last year. Yeay!


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