Whiteboards, Huddleboards, and Gallery Walks in Online Classes

Some of my favorite in-class teaching tools are now gone as we head into an online fall semester….or so I thought! I use the whiteboards, huddleboards, large sticky notes, and computer screens all the time when I teach. We’re constantly in groups working on something that we want to display for others to see or spreading out around the whiteboards in the room to make notes about characters in a novel. I’ve also become very accustomed to using the whiteboard in the class as a place to make quick notes, demonstrate concepts, or validate student responses by writing them down. Now that we’re online, these physical, tangible tools need to be replaced somehow. The two best ways that I’ve found so far are the Padlet app and Zoom annotations

Here are links to two of the Padlets I referenced in the video if you’d like to see more:

Criminal Justice Reform Padlet

Riff Off Activity Padlet

Check out the video below to see a few examples of how I use these tools: