Greetings Friends and Colleagues:
I come to your inbox today bearing tidings of great joy. We are less than 25 days away from flex week and a world of discovery awaits you!
If you have not done so, please take the time to check out the flex week schedule either via the master schedule for the week (a glorious seven page document I need to borrow my nine-year-old’s Sherlock Holmes magnifying glass to read) or in myflex.
Schedule Changes
As is always the case, there have been some last minute changes to the schedule. I have posted these changes in a list below. And these changes are now also reflected in myflex and the current master schedule (which is also available on our PDP site).
For your reading pleasure, I am posting a list of these changes below as well.
I have also set up a totally unnecessary google doc version of the schedule changes listed below just so that I would not have to endure a bevy of “what no google doc!” taunts from colleagues who apparently think my emails are some kind of joke.
Most Earnestly Yours,
Prince of Pedagogical Playfulness (P3)
aka: The Artist Formerly Known As Jim Sullivan
PDP Coordinator and Campus Agitator
Flex Week Schedule Changes
Friday, August 11th
New Workshop:
“Title IX: Preventing Discrimination and Sexual Violence”
2:30pm to 4pm
Room OC3607
Monday, August 14th
New Workshop:
“Title IX: What You Need to Know about Preventing D”
11am to 12:30pm
Room OC3609
Tuesday, August 15th
Time change (only):
“Get the Scoop on the Writing Center!
Original Time:: 11am to 1pm
New Time: 2 to 4pm
New Workshop:
“Title IX: What You Need to Know about Preventing D”
4pm to 5:30pm
Room SEC302 (San Elijo Campus)
Cancelled Workshop
Concur Travel System
9 -10:30 in OC 1202
Thursday, August 17th
Time changes (only):
“Program Review Data at Your Fingertips! (1 of 2)”
original time: 10am to 11am
new time: 9am to 10am
“Program Review Data at Your Fingertips! (2 of 2)”
original time: 11am to 12pm
new time: T11:30am to 12:30pm
Friday, August 18th
Workshop Title and Time change:
Old name: “World Café Event: An Integrated Student Experience”
Old time: 12pm to 3pm
New name “Guided Pathways Lunch – Year of Design and Integration”
New time: 12:15pm to 1:45pm