Category Archives: Canvas

Joyful Tidings #3: All Things Canvas

Greetings Colleagues:

I imagine that many of you, like me, are working through the transition to Canvas in some way this summer: whether it is moving a course or two, starting a new course, or refining sections you have already experimented with before. This image is of an old scratch sheet I used to think about how I wanted to “bend canvas to my will” by making sure that my pedagogical strategies drove my use of Canvas (rather than the the other way around!).

Keep reading this amazing post

Lisa’s Dozen Tips for Canvas

Now that I’ve experienced Canvas conversion  (including full immersion if not a blinding experience of insight), I offer my tips:

1) Use the calendar, even if just for you

The calendar is drag and drop. You can leave everything without a due date, then set them in the Calendar by opening up the “undated” items menu on the right, and drag them in. Default due time is 11:59 pm, but you can change it.

Keep reading this amazing post