Category Archives: Equity

Joyful Tidings #39: Join a Sentipensante Conversation!

Edward and Maria leading a sentipensante conversation
Our First Sentipensante Worskhop

Thanks to the facilitating skill of Maria Figueroa, Edward Pohlert, and Denise Stephenson our campus-wide journey with Laura Rendon’s Sentipensante (feeling / thinking) Pedagogy began last Friday on the final day of flex week. As lively and engaging as that discussion was, it was still only a first step — a warm up. Here are three other ways to continue the journey:

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Joyful Tidings #36: Three Major Events and Your Flex Week Tuesday Planner

Greetings Colleagues:
Three big events highlight the next three days of flex! I have also included a Tuesday flex planner in this message.

1. The Return of the Associate Faculty!

Our passionate, highly skilled, and committed associate faculty colleagues launch their semester Tuesday the 16th with an orientation, luncheon, and pair of workshops about governance and applying for full-time positions. Huzzah!

2. OER Rebel Alliance Meets to Overthrow the Expensive Textbook Empire

On Wednesday the 17th, after the morning’s departmental activities, a series of activities designed to promote Open Educational Resources and Zero Cost Textbooks begins with a lunch extravaganza followed by a pair of workshops designed to help you learn more about the OER/Zero Cost movement and explore potential resources for your classes.

Keep reading this amazing post ->

Joyful Tidings #33: Faculty Led Teaching and Learning Initiatives

a gathering of colleagues

 One Example

Not all initiatives originating outside our institution are hostile takeovers peddled by  the professional educational initiative industry. Often, MiraCosta College faculty discover great approaches to teaching and learning through their independent research and participation in discipline related conferences and networks. Then, working through their departments and in partnership with their deans, faculty initiate curricular and/or pedagogy change.

Keep reading this amazing post ->

Joyful Tidings #24: Two Highlights from the Mailbag

image of open mail bag

So while we wait for the thousands of responses to Joyful Tidings #23 to roll in, I thought I would take a moment to highlight two wonderful follow ups to previous conversations from Maria Figueroa and Sunny Cooke:

From Maria Figueroa in response to our conversation about empathy…

So I’ve been reading your emails..well, most of them and I always come back to the Mayan philosophy of InLakEch. InLakEch roughly translates to “tu eres mi otro yo, you are my other self,” following is a poem:

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Joyful Tidings #20 Conversational Synergy

While we could debate what aspects of and approaches to teaching and learning we wish to discuss as a community of teachers and learners, I hope we can all agree that the conversations themselves are essential.

Talking to each other about our teaching and learning opens us to ideas, relationships, and inspiration we can miss as we focus on our day to day work at the college. (It took me three hours to write that sentence without using the phrase “hunkered down in our silos,” which just shows how educational jargon has corrupted my very soul!).

I want to share an experience I have had with this kind of conversational synergy over the past few days.

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Joyful Tidings #10: All Things Equity (and Student Success)

equity matters

In this post, I offer an invitation to faculty colleagues who wish to explore equity gaps in their own classes and a list of student success and equity offerings during our coming flex week.

Equity in the Classroom: An Invitation to Fellow Explorers

The Situation

Over the past few years, I have been unhappily monitoring an equity gap for Latina/o students in the Humanities 250/251 (American Studies) sequence I teach. I find this gap particularly disappointing  because like most community college professors, I came to MiraCosta to work on addressing inequities, not perpetuating them.

Keep reading this amazing post