Joyful Tidings #37: ScholarScapes and Flex Thursday Planning

Scholarscapes Returns!

Thursday the excitement that is ScholarScapes returns to the MiraCosta boardroom at 11 AM as two bold intellectual adventurers — Lisa Lane and Denise Stephenson — share some big ideas with us live and via simulcast.

Lisa L. Lane

Lisa L. Lane

Me and HG Wells: Research Tracks or Sidetracks
​Lisa will share her journey researching H.G. Wells and how getting totally sidetracked was way more fun than what she originally set out to do!
Denise Stephenson

Denise Stephenson

Infobesity: Reconsidering the Teaching Profession in an Age of Smart Phones, Social Media, and Data Addiction

​If you found yourself wandering off to check your facebook page and the texts on your cell phone while reading the title of Denise’ presentation, then this talk is for you! What does and should teaching and learning look like in our era of information overload.
Each session begins with a 10-15 minute TED style talked followed by group discussion and Q and A. Please join us as we celebrate the intellectual passions of our faculty colleagues.

Thursday Flex Planner

Beyond the big events of the day — the Cultural Competency Conference and Scholarscapes — Thursday also features another dazzling set of workshop options.

9 AM
10 AM
11:55 AM
  • ​​Spartan Start (SAN Student Center Conference Room A and B)
1 PM
Happy Flexing!

PDP Coordinator