Joyful Tidings #39: Join a Sentipensante Conversation!

Edward and Maria leading a sentipensante conversation
Our First Sentipensante Worskhop

Thanks to the facilitating skill of Maria Figueroa, Edward Pohlert, and Denise Stephenson our campus-wide journey with Laura Rendon’s Sentipensante (feeling / thinking) Pedagogy began last Friday on the final day of flex week. As lively and engaging as that discussion was, it was still only a first step — a warm up. Here are three other ways to continue the journey:

Read Sentipensante (feeling / thinking) Pedagogy

You can read the book for free, using our magical library link to the electronic copy (thank you librarian colleagues!!). And you can join a conversation in one of two ways:  by signing up for a face to face session or by joining our online conversation in canvas.

Participate in a Face to Face Discussion

In face to face sessions, facilitators will help colleagues explore reactions to,  ideas about and applications of the text. Here is what is planned so far:

Sentipensate Discussion Series
Facilitated by Denise Stephenson and Teresa Guinon
Wednesdays Feb 7, March 14, and Apr 11 from 4-5:30
Anita’s 2251 El Camino Real, Oceanside
You can register for these sessions now in myflex.

Single Meetings (details pending)

Thursday February 22: Christina Sharp will facilitate a discussion at The Bunker House 322 N. Cleveland, Oceanside (time pending).

Friday March 15: Edward Pohlert will facilitate a bring your own lunch session from 12 noon to 1:30 PM (room pending)

Penny Skemp will facilitate a conversation in April (date, time and location pending)

Tony Burman and Denise Stephenson will facilitate a San Elijo conversation (date and time pending)

Join an Ongoing Online Discussion

Tony Burman is moderating a Sentipensante discussion inside the PDP Canvas site in hopes of creating a space where we can all think about, reflect upon, apply and discuss Rendon’s ideas.

Tony has already posted a first prompt inviting discussion:

We invite you to read the “Introduction” to Laura Rendon’s Sentipensante (sensing/thinking) Pedagogy: Educating for Wholeness, Social Justice and Liberation​ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and to explore her ideas.  Might we then provide responses that

(1) intellectualize the discussion…that parallel, further support, extend, complicate, and/or challenge her ideas; OR

(2) value contemplation…that address/intuit/feel/relate with/respond to Rendon’s work in ways that allow us to see/value Rendon’s ideas about the spiritual/emotional/whole/authentic/inner lives of our students and ourselves; OR

(3) combine the intellectual with the contemplative; AND/OR

(4) provide examples of how we can embed sentipensante pedagogy into our own curricula?

Come along.

To join this online conversation, first click here to make sure you are enrolled in our Canvas PDP site and have access to all discussions (think of it like enrolling as a student in a Canvas course). Then click the Sentipensante Discussion button in the menu on our PDP Canvas home page or follow this direct link.

I hope that some or all of these options work for you. Remember, participation in any of these activities and time spent (invested?) reading the book are flex eligible activities.

PDP Coordinator