Monthly Archives: October 2013

Music Project Update

Our music and movement project continues in our classroom. During these past few weeks we have observed the children use the materials in appropriate ways. They have learned to shake the wingo egg shakers instead of tossing them. When using the Peruvian drum they tap it gently with their hands. The children have also been asking the teachers to play musical instruments with them by offering instruments or by requesting songs.
Parent involvement/comments: We are excited to share with you that some families have commented on how the children have been singing at home. The teachers in Room One sent an email out with words to the songs we sing on a daily basis and some families have decided to bring out the instruments they once played but had stored away.
Next Step: We hope to invite Ms. Laura from Room 4 to play the flute.




The beauty of pumkins in the classroom

During the week of October 21st we brought out pumpkins for the children to explore and also use them in different ways. Here a few picture of the children using pumkins to make pumpkin prints with ink pads, hammering golf-ts into the pumpkins, exploring the pumpkins outsides and inside, and drawing them. Lots of learning was involved while we explored the pumpkins. The children praticed using words such as heavy, light, rough, bumpy, big, and orange. They also had to practice waiting for their turn to hammer the golf- t’s into the pumpkins.  We hope you enjoy looking at the pictures.








Hats, Hats, Hats and more Hats!

The children became so interested in Miss Michelle and Ms. Maria’s hats that as a team we decided to add hats to our dramatic play area. Hats seems to be a new interest and we are thinking of ways in which we can tie it to our Music and Movement project. Hats are used by musicians and we will soon add pictures of musicians wearing hats as well as people out in our community. If you have hats you aren’t using, please donate them to our classroom. Today we brought some hard hats and sombreros and spoke to the children about the textures, size, and who wears them. The children had a blast wearing all the hats we brought out.




Sidewalk Chalk paint

One day after a rainfall, there were large puddles on the pavement in our yard. The children were enjoying themselves splashing and jumping in the water. One child had the idea of bringing a marker to the puddles and trying to color in it. The colors spread through the water in a very interesting way; however, the action had to be redirected so that our marker would not get ruined. This idea inspired me to think of a way that we could follow the children’s interest in an appropriate way.

In Extended Care, during the week of October the 7th, we created sidewalk chalk paint! The children helped to fill the squeeze bottles with corn starch, water, and watercolors using funnels. I talked to the children about how we used a mixture of dry and wet ingredients to create something new. This simple recipe provided an opportunity for the children to experience cause and effect through observing the mixing of ingredients and colors.  The children were able to use their fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination while carefully pouring the ingredients into the bottles and then squeezing it out onto the sidewalk. Here is the recipe if you would like to try making it at home:


  • Cornstarch and water in equal parts
  • Liquid watercolor
  • Squeeze bottles (can be found at Family Dollar)






The children enjoyed squeezing the paint and stepping on it with their bare feet. Some children began to carefully squeeze out shapes and name letters. We watched the colors mix together and were able to find some colorful footprints!

It’s more than scribbles

“Scribbles may not make any sense to an adult. The look like a lot of lines, loops, and squiggles. But these marks are very important to a  young child. They are a child’s way of writing her thoughts. Drawing and scribbling are the first steps in using the skills children will need later for writing.” Mincemayer,2013



Playdough exploration leads to learning

Playdough and natural materials were brought out the first week of October for the children to explore.The children used sea shells to make prints and rocks to squish the playdough.  Here’s a recipe we use to make our playdough that I found on this site:


Patting, banging, Squishing, cutting, pinching, and poking the playdough
exercise the muscles in their fingers which helps when children begin to hold a
pencil for writing or tying their shoes.


Playdough (like other sensory activities) can be soothing for children.
It also, keeps children involved for longer periods of time, helping with their
attention span.








Family Events

We had so much fun this week at our Pancake Pajama parties!!   Thank you to all the parents for your donations to make our party a success. We can’t stress enough how much we value your presence at our family events as it help us build a stronger relationship with all of you.




Songs we sing everday!

Due to the children’s interest in Music and Movement and parents asking for the words to some of the songs we sing with the children, we wanted to share with you the lyrics to the children’s favorite songs.  We hope you enjoy singing at home with your children.  Here are a few of the children’s favorite songs:

The Wheels on The Bus By Annie KublerSAM_4223
The wheels on the bus go Round and Round. [Move your hands and arms round and round in a circle.]
Round and Round, Round and Round.The wheels on the bus go Round and Round. All day long!

The wipers on the bus go Swish Swish Swish. [Mimic the motion of windshield wipers with your hands and arms.]
Swish Swish Swish, Swish Swish Swish.
The wipers on the bus go Swish Swish Swish. All day long!

The horn on the bus goes Beep! Beep! Beep! [Pretend to honk the horn on the steering wheel of a bus.]
Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!
The horn on the bus goes Beep! Beep! Beep!All day long!

The driver on the bus says, “Tickets Please! Tickets Please! Tickets Please!” [Pretend to extend your hand to collect a ticket] The driver on the bus says, “Tickets Please!” All day long!

The parents pm the bus go Chat Chat Chat,Chat Chat Chat,ChatChat Chat. [Move your hands as if they were talking to each other] The parents pm the bus go Chat Chat Chat,Chat. All day long!

The babies on the bus go Wah Wah Wah. [Place your hands next to your eyes and pretend to cry.]Wah Wah  Wah. Wah Wah Wah.The babies on the bus go wah wah wah. Wah wah wah. All Day long!

The people on the bus go “Shhh Shhh Shhh.” [Place your finger in front of your mouth as you make the shhh sounds.]
Shhh Shhh Shhh. Shhh Shhh Shhh.The people on the bus go “Shhh Shhh Shhh.”All day long!

The children on the bus say, “Party Time”


Row, row, row your boat

Row, row, row your boat,

Gently down the stream.

If you see an crocodile,

Don’t forget to scream. (Place your hands on your cheeks and scream)

Row, row, row your boat,

Gently down the stream.

If you see an crocodile,

Don’t forget to scream. (Place your hands on your cheeks and scream)



The Wheels on the Bus by Jane Cabrera

One of the children’s favorite books is The Wheels on the Bus by Jane Cabrera. The children enjoy following along as we read  the book and when we ask them to pretend to be the animals in the story. The children roar like a lion, flap their wings like a flamingo, and chomp like a zebra. While we sing as a group we are building a sense of community. The children are also practace their listening skills, concentration, self-control, and cooperative skills.



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