Monthly Archives: November 2013

Nature Collage

With the children’s continued interest in art materials and nature, Ms. Maria
offered the children glue and natural materials for them to glue onto a canvas.
Creating art activities that are based on the children’s interest also fosters
peer relationships. Here the children collaborate to create an art piece that
represents all the children. Also, by using natural items found around our
classroom or our community we are encouraging the children to observe their
surroundings, such as colorful leaves, twigs, flowers, rocks, bark, and all the
textures nature has to offer. While the children worked on spreading the glue
with the small brushes and finding items to place on the glue they worked on
their fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Here are a few pictures of the chilren working on our collage piece.



The magic of cardboard boxes

On Tuesday, November 12 the teachers from Room 2 brought out empty boxes for the children to explore. A simple empty carboard box can bring out endless learning possibilities for young children. In these pictures you can see the children using the carboard boxes as hiding spots, places to store sand, and for making music (tapping). Next time you have empty boxes at home give your child a chance to explore them and enjoy seeing them learn while they play with the empty cardboard boxes. Here’s a link to great article on what children learn while playing with empty carboard boxes.



Exploring Corn Husk

This week the children had the opportunity to explore corn husks in the sensory tub. The children pulled the husks off of the corn, picked off its kernels, and placed them into different containers. While doing this the children were able to practice using their fine motor skills. They were also exploring cause and effect by seeing what happens to a piece of corn when you take all of its pieces off of it.



Related DRDP-IT Measures:

COG1: Cause and Effect

MPD3: Fine Motor Skills

MPD3: Eye-hand Coordination

Water Pump

This week the teachers from Room One and Two brought our new water pump for the children to explore. Room One children enjoy waterplay everyday. The waterpump was a great addition to our classroom enviroment. Pumping the water was not an easy task. It requires the children to stabalize the pump and push the lever up and down to have the water come out. The children need to use all their muscles, problem solving skills, turn taking, and patience. We can’t wait to see what else the children do with the new water pump!

