Category Archives: Families and Community

Our First Three Weeks Of School In Room 3

During the first three weeks of school the children have been exploring the environment and making connections with the new teachers. Here are few pictures:


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Family Events

We had so much fun this week at our Pancake Pajama parties!!   Thank you to all the parents for your donations to make our party a success. We can’t stress enough how much we value your presence at our family events as it help us build a stronger relationship with all of you.




Songs we sing everday!

Due to the children’s interest in Music and Movement and parents asking for the words to some of the songs we sing with the children, we wanted to share with you the lyrics to the children’s favorite songs.  We hope you enjoy singing at home with your children.  Here are a few of the children’s favorite songs:

The Wheels on The Bus By Annie KublerSAM_4223
The wheels on the bus go Round and Round. [Move your hands and arms round and round in a circle.]
Round and Round, Round and Round.The wheels on the bus go Round and Round. All day long!

The wipers on the bus go Swish Swish Swish. [Mimic the motion of windshield wipers with your hands and arms.]
Swish Swish Swish, Swish Swish Swish.
The wipers on the bus go Swish Swish Swish. All day long!

The horn on the bus goes Beep! Beep! Beep! [Pretend to honk the horn on the steering wheel of a bus.]
Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!
The horn on the bus goes Beep! Beep! Beep!All day long!

The driver on the bus says, “Tickets Please! Tickets Please! Tickets Please!” [Pretend to extend your hand to collect a ticket] The driver on the bus says, “Tickets Please!” All day long!

The parents pm the bus go Chat Chat Chat,Chat Chat Chat,ChatChat Chat. [Move your hands as if they were talking to each other] The parents pm the bus go Chat Chat Chat,Chat. All day long!

The babies on the bus go Wah Wah Wah. [Place your hands next to your eyes and pretend to cry.]Wah Wah  Wah. Wah Wah Wah.The babies on the bus go wah wah wah. Wah wah wah. All Day long!

The people on the bus go “Shhh Shhh Shhh.” [Place your finger in front of your mouth as you make the shhh sounds.]
Shhh Shhh Shhh. Shhh Shhh Shhh.The people on the bus go “Shhh Shhh Shhh.”All day long!

The children on the bus say, “Party Time”


Row, row, row your boat

Row, row, row your boat,

Gently down the stream.

If you see an crocodile,

Don’t forget to scream. (Place your hands on your cheeks and scream)

Row, row, row your boat,

Gently down the stream.

If you see an crocodile,

Don’t forget to scream. (Place your hands on your cheeks and scream)



Extended Care

What we have been doing in Extended Care:

In the afternoons, we have been exploring play-dough and watercolors. We prepared a tub of uncolored play-dough and watercolors in tray. We used eye-droppers to drop the yellow and blue watercolor onto the play-dough. They children used their hands to poke and squeeze until it mixed into green! Young children are in a stage where they explore the environment primarily with their senses. This exposes them to a lot of sensory vocabulary. During our activity, we talked about how the play-dough was “wet”, “sticky”, and, “cold”. We also explored cause and effect as the children observed the changes in color.



Our first week of school together!

During the first week of school we work on building relationships with the children and their families. We also spend time learning the school routine and helping the children get comfortable with the environment and their classmates.

A few snapshots of what we did the first week of school: