Category Archives: STEM (Science, Technology,Engineering,Mathematics)


The children have been spending a lot of time working on puzzles every day. While they flip, turn, and remove each piece of the puzzle, they are working on their eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills. Working on these skills early on will help the children later on when they learn how to write. Puzzle-solving experiences also help young toddlers learn math concepts such as size, length, and spatial awareness. Room One teachers pay close attention to the type of puzzles that are set out for the children. You will see that in our shelf we have puzzles with knobs which help with small-finger coordination. Also, our puzzles are based on the children’s interests and abilities. Room One teachers also scaffold the children while they work on the puzzles by doing the following:

Using language: Are you looking for a big piece or small piece? I wonder what will happen if you try turning that piece around? I see you are trying to fit the duck into the spot.

Offering direction: Taking a puzzle piece and turning it to see if would fit.

Recognize their accomplishments or progress: Look, you have been working so hard on completing this puzzle. You have two pieces left and you will be done.

You can also do puzzles while at home to support your children with these skills.



Extended Care

What we have been doing in Extended Care:

In the afternoons, we have been exploring play-dough and watercolors. We prepared a tub of uncolored play-dough and watercolors in tray. We used eye-droppers to drop the yellow and blue watercolor onto the play-dough. They children used their hands to poke and squeeze until it mixed into green! Young children are in a stage where they explore the environment primarily with their senses. This exposes them to a lot of sensory vocabulary. During our activity, we talked about how the play-dough was “wet”, “sticky”, and, “cold”. We also explored cause and effect as the children observed the changes in color.



Our Classroom Pets

Many of you have been asking who Bun Bun is. Bun Bun is our beautiful bunny that we share with Room 2. In Room One the teachers have been introducing the children to Bun Bun and our betta fish Lily. We remind the children to be gentle when they pet Bun Bun and to keep their hands out of his cage because he might think its food. Overall, Bun Bun is used to having children around and rarely gets upset. You are welcome to visit Bun Bun with your child in the morning before school and after pick up in the afternoon.  This week we have also introduced our betta fish Lily to the children. Ms. Maria spoke to them about not shaking the small tank and using their eyes to see Lily. Having classroom pets helps young children learn how to care for other living things.

If you would like to support us as we take care of our pets any of the following items would be greatly appreciated.

    • Hay

    • Pellets not containing peanuts or processed in a plant that processes peanut products

    • Vegetables such as carrots, lettuce, cucumbers,and celery


