In the coming year, Miracosta will invest significant energy and resources in implementing Guided Pathways. Those who wish to learn more about this important initiative have three good options — all of which meet flex obligations.
1. Explore Online Resources
Last year, a series of campus Discussion and Inquiry Groups (DIGs) meetings explored Guided Pathways from a variety of perspectives. I have collected all of the materials from those sessions — readings, discussion notes, PowerPoints, etc. — on this Guided Pathways Resource site. If you are interested, you can also check out my attempt to summarize faculty reactions and concerns in “MCC’s Guided Pathways DIGs: A Survivor’s Guide.”
Beyond our local discussion, three prominent web sites also provide comprehensive resources: The California Guided Pathways Project (the statewide initiative Miracosta has joined), The Professional Learning Network’s Guided Pathways site (the chancellor’s office’s “virtual professional development resource center), and Columbia University’s Community College Research Center’s What We Know About Guided Pathway’s page.
Time spent exploring any of these resources — even the video I have included below — can be applied to flex obligations. But in the case of this video, I must warn you that no conceivable amount of flex time could compensate you for the suffering you will endure if you click on that play button. I warned you…
2. Flex Week Workshops and Events
On Monday of flex week, room OC 3607 will be the home to a series of flex workshops, most of which are designed to be discussion and collaboration centered.
Monday August 14th
Student Connections: Contextualized Learning
9-10 AM OC 3607 (discussion and interaction centered)
Team Up for First Year Student Success
10-11 AM OC 3607 (discussion and interaction centered)
A Student’s Journey: Pathways, Maps, and Ed. Plans
11 AM – 12 PM OC 3607 (presentation and Q and A centered)
Building Community Around Pathways
1-2 PM OC 3607 (discussion and interaction centered)
On the Dig Road Again: The Follow Up
2-3 PM OC 3607 (discussion and interaction centered)
In addition, All College Day also has a focus on Guided Pathways
Friday August 18th
Guided Pathways: Been There, Done That (All College Day)
8:30 AM – 12 PM Concert Hall
Guided Pathways Lunch: Year of Design and Integration
12:15-1:45 PM Dining Room (OC 3423)
(This lunch workshop requires participants to sign up for the session in myflex. Seating is limited to 90 participants).
3. Leap Into Faculty Advising / Mentoring / Guided Pathways Action!
Tina Oshima Helmstreit, our Interim Student Services Coordinator (SSSP), has invited faculty to dip their toes in the waters of faculty advising and mentoring by joining a series of New Student Orientation Breakfasts. Just in case you cannot find her email, I have copied it onto a google doc (of course I did! information is not real until it appears in a google doc, is it?).
Prince of Pedagogical Playfulness (P3)
aka the artist formerly known as gym sullivan
PDP Coordinator
Cell: 951-505-2232
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