Joyful Tidings #11: It’s Here! It’s Here! Flex Week Is Here!

New Faculty Come Together!

The joy abounds today as our new full-time faculty arrive on campus to begin the epic journey that is new faculty orientation, and the second year faculty return for a day long retreat focused on pedagogy.

Thanks to both groups for investing themselves into building a sense of faculty community, working to sharpen their already impressive skills, and affirming their ongoing commitment to student success.

You remind us how bright the college’s future is!

Day One Cornucopia

Student Success, Title IX, Internships, Canvas, Equity and more as your colleagues share their passion and perspective in eleven different workshops available on campus today.

You can find the schedule here and sign up right up until the last minute using myflex.

Or, if you are the more adventurous type, just show up and see if you can squeeze in!

Coming Attractions

Next week’s highlights include 80+ more workshops, the unveiling of our new PDP tent / Portable Teaching and Learning Center and, perhaps even a new flex theme song…(nooooooooo!!!!!!!!!).

See you soon!

PDP Coordinator