20 Questions… Well, 6 Questions!

As  part of our sharing group, we invite children to ask their classmate questions about the sharing item brought in for show-and-tell.  We noticed that the children were still making more statements than asking questions, so there are a few things we are doing.

1. The teachers model what a question is by asking a question of the classmate (e.g., “Where did you find that rock?”).

2. There is a small group this week where the children are being asked questions from a grab bag of questions.  The questions are things like “What is your favorite color?” and “What do you want to be when you grow up?”  Children take turns answering the questions.

3. We are doing a family take home project where we are inviting families to fill out a short questionnaire with their children.  The questionnaire is below and we will also put them in the families’ mailboxes!

_________________’s Favorites

Family Take Home Project – Room 4

We thought it would be neat to see what the children say about their favorite things during this first semester and then we can see what they say at the end of the year, too.  We were going to do this at school, but thought that it would work much better as a take-home activity.  It will be neat to hear what you and your child discuss in response to these questions!  Please bring this back when it is complete.

1. What is your favorite thing to play or do at school?

2. Who do you like to play with at school?

3. What is your favorite song that we sing or dance to at school?

4. What is your favorite book at school?

5. Where was your favorite field trip we took at school?

6. What is your favorite food to eat at snack time at school?

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