Category Archives: Classroom Posts

Show-and-tell, Structures, and New Routine

Dear Families:

We hope that you had a nice weekend and that your Monday is going well.

SHOW AND TELL: During these last two months of school, we would like to have show-and-tell opportunities for the children. We will have a calendar near the sign-in book where you can sign up for one day between now and the end of the semester for show-and-tell.
We cannot wait to see what your child brings to share during show-and-tell. Any special item is fine as long as it is not a play weapon or something too valuable. If you have any questions about sharing time, please ask. It will be a great chance for children to get up in front of their classmates and talk about their special item during group time.
We are doing this for a few reasons:
1) We noticed that children often want to bring things from home to show the teachers and their classmates and this will give them a chance to do so.
2) Show-and-tell can be a great opportunity for children to learn more about each other, enhancing friendships.
3) Show-and-tell can provide children with an opportunity to express themselves orally in front of a large group. This is great practice for future school activities.
We can’t wait to get started with show-and-tell next week! If you have a question, please ask a teacher in the classroom.
STRUCTURES WORK: There are a few new posts today that relate to the structures work the children have been doing in Room 4.
NEW DAILY ROUTINE: The new small group routine we did today went very well! If you would like to see our new routine, please check out this link:
Have a great rest of your day, everyone!
-The Teachers of Room 4-

New Routine in Room 4

We made a few adjustments as the children’s interests and needs have been changing.  Here is our new morning routine!

Room 4 Daily Routine-Updated-11-4-13

Planning for Week of November 4

We have a new planning document this week that shows more details about our daily plans.  We also made updates to our environment planning sheet.  Enjoy!

Teacher Planning Document November 4

Environment Planning November 4

Pumpkin Day Pajama Parties and Police Officer Visit!

Dear Families:

This is just a reminder that our Pumpkin Day Pajama Parties are tomorrow and Thursday from 11-11:45.  Families are invited to attend.  The children have been busy baking healthy donut holes for the parties.  We will also have yogurt with add-ins, spiced cider, and oranges.
We hope you can make it!
If anyone could bring a bag of oranges for the Thursday party, we could definitely use them.  Just email Laura back to let her know if you can.  Thanks!
Also, be sure to check out the photos from our police officer visit today:
We hope that you enjoy them!
-The Teachers of Room 4-

Pumpkin Day Parties

Hi, everyone:

Here are the details for our pumpkin day parties:

1) The children have been making pumpkin and non-pumpkin flavored baked donuts.  They are looking good!

2) We will also have hot spiced cider and yogurt with different add-ins (like canned pumpkin and cinnamon).

3) They are pajama parties, so your child may want to wear pajamas to school on Wednesday and Thursday to participate.

We are still in need of Styrofoam cups for hot beverages.  As we were looking at the food we have, the amount of food will be small (more like a snack).  We were thinking it might be nice to have orange slices for the children, too.  If anyone could bring in a bag of oranges, please let Laura know.  She can insure we don’t get too many.

Thank you so much.  We can’t wait to see you at our pumpkin day parties!  They are on Wednesday and Thursday from 11:00 – 11:45 am.