Medical Billing & Coding


After completing the reading and watching the tutorials and completing the getting started chart, I think  I have a better grasp on the direction I want to go.  My score on the beginners questionnaire was 12.  So I will need to spend some time creating audio presentations along with group discussions.  I want to incorporate websites for students to find current medical billing information.  Group projects will also be very helpful for students and I will set up small study groups.

It is amazing all the help that is being offered to us newbies.  After reading chapter 2 it is obvious that we are so lucky to have this great support system.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  What a great learning opportunity.


6 Responses to “WEEK 2 – POTCERT”

  1. @xavcap says:

    I am completely agree with you. It was a very good decision to take PotCert.
    I noticed also I have to improve my teaching to change to get a good elearning experience. This week was a perfect catalyst forma me.

  2. Hocke says:

    I’m planing to do some group projects as well. But, how are you planing to achieve it? What LMS are you planing to use?

  3. Jim Sullivan says:

    Thanks for this post and your insights about your survey results.


  4. Danièle Arnaud says:

    I totally agree with you: so much help is available to us thanks to this POTCERT! Good invention!

  5. Todd Conaway says:

    There is a lot of help in this community. Finding time to ask the questions and following up on answers takes time too but is really how this will all work well. Helping other students and wondering about things that you might feel are, ah, impossible, are things is another part of the class I enjoy.

  6. Hi Jo,
    Have to agree we are lucky to have this course available. Three years ago I was asked to research tips on how to help our instructors ease into online teaching. Given that they were completely unconvinced of the need to make the change, I even tried to focus on instructor created and instructor friendly resources. I was swamped with “resources” that were either unstructured and overflowing with too much material or written by “experts” who were basically opportunists and certainly not teachers.

    Maybe it would be useful to complie tips from this class as a cure for all the junk out there that isn’t very useful? Something central rather than scattered around the blogs? Any ideas?

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